Phone: +2347026504659
At Pruntez Global Nig. Ltd, our team has a shared belief that the best food for you is also the best food for the environment. We develop and implement new business models that deliver better access to food, nutrition, equitable livelihoods, environmental sustainability and resilience.
Agriculture is rapidly changing. New technology and the global nature of the industry presents a new frontier for everyone involved. And while a setting out for a new frontier can be intimidating, we at Pruntez Global Nig. Ltd are anxious to see what's next and make the most of every opportunityfor our clients, employees and communities.
Identification and Selection of appropriate farm machinery, equipment and technologies for farmers, agro-processors etc.
Monitoring & evaluating after sales services support services by agricultural machinery and equipment owners.
Field trials and monitoring of newly imported agricultural machinery and equipment.
Introduction of appropriate and affordable agricultural engineering technologies.
Training of operators and other users on correct application of farm machinery, and equipment consistent with sound environmental practices Demonstration and field trial of newly introduced Machinery, Equipment and Technologies (MET).
We are dealers and suppliers of High-tech, environmentally sensitive, uncompromising designed, efficient and cutting-edge range of agricultural equipment with brands that are ambitiously taking on the world market such as : Tractors, Orchard/Vineyard tractors, sprayers, Pneumatic seed drills minimum till & no-till, Vacuum precision planters, Seed drills wit power harrow, Fertilizer spreader, Subsoiler etc.
Source, collate, process and store agricultural engineering related technologies.
Disseminate technical information by linking information seekers to information holders for dialogue and business agreements.
Provide Technical Advisory Services to farmers and the public to help them make informed decisions about their choice of agricultural engineering technologies.
Monitor and evaluate all deployed engineering technologies at field level.
The unit is mandated to carry out the following functions to help farmers reduce postharvest losses of grains and cereals, as well as other highly perishable commodities
Identify and select of appropriate post-harvest technologies for farmers, processors, g. primary-processing machinery and equipment, drying and storage facilities, etc.
Promotion of on/off farm post-harvest technologies including village level processing technologies
Training of farmers and agro processors on post-harvest technologies
Provide technical support on water and soil moisture control/management and conservation schemes.
Promote the use of groundwater resources for agriculture purposes.
Identify and select appropriate water conveyance systems for agricultural use.